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More Than Magick reviewed by Marge Robbins

Book Image   More than Magick by Mary Taffs   Stars Image
Genre: Fantasy Romance
ISBN:1-58749-376-4 (electronic formats except pdf) 1-58749-378-0 (pdf and trade paperback)
Date:May 2003
Publisher: Awe-Struck Ebooks
Publisher's Website: www.awe-struck.net
Author's Website:http://www.marytaffs.com
Author's email:mtaffs@spiritone.com

This delightful romantic fantasy is set in the world of the Balance. The Balance being a religion that worships the Goddess as creator, and under her direction strives to maintain a balance between good and evil in the world. Diane is a adept, someone who can do any magic, who while she serves the balance, refuses to worship the Goddess. Her husband Win is a Mage who worships the Goddess with all his heart and soul, living only to serve her. In Magick, the prequel to this tale, Win and Diane meet when he is sent to protect her from an evil Mage. In the course of the story they discover they are soul mates, two halves of the same soul.

More Than Magick opens with Diana having a vision of Clara, a student of the magical arts, being abducted from Ocean Magic. This alerts the Council, The Balance's ruling body, to a very serious problem at Ocean Magick. They are dispatched immediately to deal with the problem. Win is also named Guardian Pro Tem of Ocean Magick.

Win has never been a Guardian before. Upon arrival at Ocean Magick he is faced with learning a lot in a very short time as well as dealing with problems caused by the Guardian of Ocean magic, who for unknown reasons has lost his ability to do magic. Diana on the other hand, is fuming because no one seems to want to do anything about finding Carla.

As the story progresses, Diana, in the course of attempting to rescues Carla from an evil mage, is forced to confront not only her past, but her relationship with the goddess and her very purpose on earth.

This is a fantastic must read for anyone who loves magical tales of love and life. I recommend that you read Magic first. The two together make for some very absorbing and enjoyable reading.

Copyright © 2000 Marge Robbins All Rights Reserved.