The Moon Child reviewed by Nancy Jackson

Book Image   The Moon Child by Alex Roces   Stars Image
ISBN: 1-931201-18-8
Publisher: Twilight Times Books
Publisher's website:

Pages: 160
Price: $4.50 for download. $7.95 for diskette. $10.95 for CD-Rom. (includes s&h. Foreign add $3.50)
Format: PDF (886k), HTML (450k), LIT (250k), hiebook (650k), Word (535kz)

Our sentimental and moving story begins with an outcast named Maria, thought to be a monster, inhuman, born of an ancient curse. In the barrio in the village of Malana, she is not accepted and makes her home in the forest with a caring woman who raises her from birth. Maria is gifted with the ability to speak with enchanted spirits, befriend the animals, and a precious gift of "moonpower" that helps her in times of need as well as to foresee the future. She is chosen to bring the light of truth to this world. All of the men fall in love with her as her beauty surpasses all. But there is one who seeks out her heart with noble intentions. As Maria falls in love with the captain of the barrio, others who fear her warn her new husband of the curses she brings upon them. One day a man travels through the barrio, bringing dreams and stories to the women of the barrio. His magical ways entice the women from their husbands to listen to his songs. He falls for Maria, creating jealousy among the women, but she will not have him. His need for her love creates trouble in the village and everyone falls prey to his destructive ways. Maria must decide how to stop this strange man and save the people in the barrio but at a price.

I was hooked from the first paragraph through to the climactic ending. The characters were so thoroughly described that I felt I knew each of them personally. THE MOON CHILD is a spiritual tale of the worlds of goddesses and powers of magic, love, and truth. The story flows smoothly and adds flavor with its believable and delicious dialogue. I highly recommend this enchanting tale. Alex Roces has a winner here and I look forward to more of his works.

Copyright © 2003 Nancy Jackson All Rights Reserved.