The Hero reviewed by Mike Anka

Book Image   The Hero by Jem Matzan   Stars Image
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN:ISBN: 1-4010-4571-5 (Trade Paperback) 1-4010-4572-3 (Hardback)1-4010-4573-1 (eBook)
Publisher's Web Site:
Publishing Format:hardcover, paperback, electronic
Author's Web site: Author's website:
Author's E-mail:

I didn't know what to expect from this book when I “opened” the e-covers but the welcoming graphics caught my eyes. As I moved along through the pages a different type of main character started shaping up pulling me into a new realm craftily teetering between fantasy and reality.

Through well-constructed sentences and smooth, carefree angles we start to know a young man still reminiscing on his teenage dream of becoming a real hero. And before we realize it, we are part of his vivid and dangerous fantasy that draws us immediately in the rapidly developing storyline.

The author managed to voice and “paint” a beautiful story of fantasy characters who became very real under his inspired pen, making the reader ride along in this complicated, absorbing and charming tale. It is a “feel good” story pumping young and dynamic blood through our bloodstream, making us forget [for a fleeting moment] about the harsh realities surrounding us.

Flashes of transcendental wisdom and channelled passions sprinkled throughout the book make for a fast and entertaining read. We eagerly participate in the “hero's to be” dilemmas and challenges and when the last scenes of the book roll around, we suddenly feel rejuvenated and fresh, charged up and ready to dive into our mundane routine. And we thank Mr. Matzan for this new surge of energy.

Copyright © 2001 Mike Anka All Rights Reserved.