Grail Prince reviewed by Harriet Klausner

Book Image   Grail Prince by Nancy McKenzie  
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Del Rey
ISBN: 0345456483
DATE: January 2003

In King Arthur’s world no person can escape his or her destiny so a prophecy foretold is prophecy fulfilled no matter how much the person tries avoid it. Galahad the oldest son of Lancelot and his wife Elaine, knew at an early age that his father’s heart was given to his queen, Guenivevre. His mother made no secret that she despised her husband and her cousin the queen. While growing up, Galahad concluded that women were weak and conniving, and he vowed to stay celibate.

He also hated his father for not loving his mother and for spending so much time in Camelot while neglecting his own kingdom of Lancescol. However Galahad was brought to Camelot where he proudly served under the Pendragon’s banner. Unfortunately, his temper and unruly tongue gets him into trouble with his father and King Arthur because he speaks what is in his heart. He can not see that Lancelot love Arthur and the king loves his father, and the queen remains his true to her husband.

It was foretold that Mordred, Arthur’s son and heir, would be destroyer and though Mordred fought his fate, destiny would not be denied. Father and son kill each other on the Battlefield of Canlann. Before Arthur died, he assigns to Galahad a quest to reunite Excalibur with the sword and the Chalice so that Britain will be forever undefeated. Prophecy says that Lancelot’s son will be Britain’s savior but Galahad spends years searching in vain for the treasures he seeks. Only when he opens himself to truth and love will the prophecy be fulfilled but Galahad has many demons to overcome before he can open himself up to the truth about his parents, the queen and the woman who is his destiny.

GRAIL PRINCE is the story of Camelot at the height of its glory and what happens after the king who united the kingdoms of Briton falls. It is the story of a son who hates his parents and fears love yet is determined to realize the wishes of a dead king. Lancelot while not the main character plays a key role as the catalyst to his son’s actions. Readers will love him because his heart is torn between his love for his king and queen that makes him a hero to everyone but his own wife and son, whom feel neglected (there is a price to pay to be a hero).

Although there are times the readers will feel like spanking Galahad for his self-righteousness behavior, the audience will also understand that he is a victim of his mother’s hatred, his father’s unrequited love, and a priest’s need for vengeance.

Arthur is presented as the only light in a world of darkness, a civilized man keeping the savages at bay. He is shown to be a man with faults and wishes; a person who makes mistakes but tries to rectify them. He plays a very important role in Galahad’s life as a father figure and it is his influence that eventually sows the seeds of Galahad’s redemption. There is a sense of irony in Galahad’s friendship with his cousin Percival because it parallels that of Arthur’s to Lancelot.

There are many stories of Camelot but GRAIL PRINCE is one of the better ones as the touch of magic makes this work of fantasy very fulfilling. The novel gives the audience a sense of a place that was not larger than life but rather an amalgam of all the personalities trying to make it work. Camelot is a place of legends but in the hands of myth chroniclers like Nancy McKenzie it is an Eden where readers can see dreams come true.

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