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The Seven Isles of Ameulas reviewed by Shari Brennan

Book Image   The Seven Isles of Ameulas by Casey Fahy   Stars ImageStars Image
Genre: Science Fiction Fantasy
Publisher: Writer's Club Press
Publisher's Web Site: www.iuniverse.com
ISBN: 0-595-19161-4
Publishing Format: Trade paperback
Price: $22.95
Author's Web site: www.escapingamerica.com
Author's E-mail: trinadol@cox.net

Get ready for the fascinating journey that Casey Fahy will take you on through the Seven Isles of Ameulas. The journey begins with Trinadol. He is a young man who is the next heir of Ameulas. Trinadol’s lineage includes amazing powers associated with gods. His family also has the ability to travel to another world, Wyndernia that is closely associated with his own. This closely linked world has different physical properties and a strange relationship with Ameulas.
At first it seems as if Trinadol is on the road to a long and happy life. He finds his soul mate, Neuvia, and his countrymen welcome him with open arms. However, Drugor, an evil being that has plaqued his family has other ideas. This evil will force Trinadol down a different road. It will also force Neuvia and the Ameulatians to find the courage to face indescribable dangers. If they cannot find a way to release Trinadol and defeat Drugor, Ameulas and the world will be ruled forever by Drugor’s evil.
Fahy brings the world of Ameulas and the dream like world of Wyndernia to life with beautiful description and believable characters. Trinadol and Neuvia are vibrant characters who bring Ameulas to life. You will come to love Neuvia and root for the Ameulatians as they struggle to save their world. It is impossible to put this book down until you find out if Trinadol will survive or perish.
Like many fantasy novels, there are words developed just for the land of Ameulas. After the first chapter, you will have a good grasp of these words and will not have to search for the meanings. As additional words are introduced, the explanations fit easily into the context of the story so you will grasp their meaning quickly. Expect additional great novels from Fahy since he is sure to continue pleasing his audience with fascinating places and characters.

Copyright © 2001 Shari Brennan All Rights Reserved.