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House reviewed by Connie Long

Book Image   House by Leonie Hall   Stars Image
SF/Fantasy - Ghost
ISBN: 1 876882 41 7
Publisher: Zeus Publications Australia
Date: 2001
Pages: 00
Price: $
Distribution: E-Story

A haunted cottage. A woman fleeing from an obsessed abusive ex-husband. 
That is the basic premise for House. 

Sixty years ago, a small child disappeared and no one has been able to stay for 
any length of time in the cottage before running out in fear.

While this has been classed by the publisher as horror, the more general
classification of supernatural would better describe this book. This book
doesn't attempt to scare the reader, just invite your interest. It doesn't
delve into descriptive passages of pain and death but evokes feelings of
loss and grief.

I gave the story three stars because the supernatural theme was intriguing.
The problem for me was in trying to suspend my disbelief that the heroine,
Amy McKenzie, could manage to handle all that was thrown at her with such
seeming aplomb. The plots of her being stalked by a crazed ex-husband,
juggling a new romantic interest all the while doggedly solving a 60 year
old murder to comfort the resident ghosts was just too much in too short a
time. I was left with the impression that two books had been rolled into one
and then condensed.

Copyright © 2000 Connie Long All Rights Reserved.