Burying the Shadow reviewed by Marge Robbins

Book Image   Burying the Shadow by Storm Constantine   Stars Image
Genre: Dark Fantasy
Publisher: Meisha Merlin Publishing, Inc
Publisher's Web Site: http://www.meishamerlin.com/
Publisher's E-mail:mmpubweb@mindspring.com
Publishing Format: trade paperback
Author's Web site:http://members.aol.com/Malaktawus/Main.htm

Gimel Metatronim, an actress lives a life of easy and luxury. She is an eloim, an race apart, protected idolized by wealthy patrons of the arts. However if the human patrons knew who and what the eloim really are, their lives would be in danger.

Ravojini is a human, raised among the soulscapers of Taparak. Her life too, is idyllic until the time comes when she is to be initiated into the ranks of the soulscapers. Soulscapers are a race of people with a peculiar talent. They are able to enter the mind, or soulscape, of others to perform psychological or emotional therapy.

After many generations of an idyllic protected existence, cared for and protected by patrons who literally exchange their life's blood for the culture the eloim offer, the eloim become affected by the Fear. This previously unknown phenomenon is causing the eloim to die of despair in ever growing numbers. Gimel and her brother Beth set out to do something about this. They become the guardian pursuers of the human soulscaper Rayojini. This is very frightening for Rayojini who knows nothing of the eloim. She must embark on a perilous journey to discover who and what her guardian pursuers are, and eventually find the courage to enter the vast and horrid soulscape of the eloim in an attempt to find the cause of the Fear and eradicate it before both races are dystroyed.

This is a tale of some very unusual vampires. The plot has many twists and turns, requiring some willingness to suspend disbelief. But it is very well done, rich in detail with very believable characters both human and eloim. I recommend it highly to all dark fantasy lovers.

Copyright © 2001 Shari Brennan All Rights Reserved.