Browne Candidate reviewed by Marge Robbins

Book Image   Browne Candidate by Nicole Givens Kurtz   Stars Image
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Crystal Dreams Publishing
Publishing Format: PDF, CD, trade paperback, HTML, DOC
Author's Web site:

Browne Candidate is well written imaginative tale set in a future that could very well be our own. The story opens sometime after the start of the new millennium when the United World Council has all but taken over control of the world and made it vastly different from life, as we know it now. Many women, abandoning their feminity in exchange for the power and dominance of the main of the species, also lost their ability be bear children. Thus the stage was set for the Candidate system.

Women such as Browne, an African-American whose mother had sold her as a child to the Havistina temple, were more or less slaves, destined only to bear children for these infertile but powerful women. Browne had already born 3 children when she was placed in the Williams household to bear yet another child that would not be hers.

The Williams had a butler, also of African descent, named Bain. He and Browne were naturally drawn into an ever-deepening relationship that in the end drove them to abandon their life of servitude in search of freedom and true love.

Browne Candidate is a very well written, downright chilling tale of a future that might one day be ours. I recommend it highly.

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