New Year's Special from Sime~Gen

40% off the cost of text ads in our newsletters! has three newsletters that come out every month, and three others that are sent whenever there is news about a particular project. We normally sell text ads in these newsletters for $25 for six months, or $50 for a full year. Between December 26, 2006, and January 31, 2007, we are offering a 40% discount on text ads.

$30.00 for your ad to appear in every one of our newsletters for a FULL YEAR

But it gets better!

You can change your ad every three months at no extra cost.

If you are promoting one book when you begin your ad, but have another book coming out three months later or six months later, simply change your ad at no extra cost.

Fortunate enough to have four different books come out during the year? You can promote each one in turn at no extra charge.

Planning to run quarterly promotions on your website with giveaways, contests, etc.? Change your ad every quarter to reflect each promotion at no extra cost.

But it gets better!

You have until May 31, 2007 to begin running your text ad at this same great savings! Ads sent to us at the end of May will appear for the first time in our June newsletters, and will run through May, 2008.

That's right--you do not have to start your year of text ad savings in January--
all you have to do in January is LOCK IT IN. Once you have reserved your New Year's Special text ad, you can begin running it in January, February, March, April, May, or June, and still enjoy an ENTIRE YEAR for only $30.00!

Do text ads work?

A text ad brought you to this page, right? They work!

To reserve your New Year's Special text ad, send an email to BY JANUARY 31, 2007. Tell us where you saw the link that led you here, and when you want your ad to begin. We'll tell you how to pay for your ad, and WE WILL REMIND YOU two weeks before your ad is to begin, so if you haven't already prepared your text ad, you can do it then.

Will be there to run an entire year of your ads? first appeared on the World Wide Web in 1999. We have a longer record of continuous service than the vast majority of domains on the Internet. We are older than PayPal, older than Google, and going strong.

The fine print:

Hint: Notepad is very useful in preparing text ads to size limits. Set an 80-space line, and use monospaced type such as Courier.

Maximum length of your ad is FIVE 80-character LINES and the maximum number of HOTLINKS is TWO.

Within those limits, say anything you want to promote your book(s). TEST YOUR HOTLINKS to make certain they are active and lead to the correct pages.

Often the signature you use in your email can serve as the basis for your text ad.

Reserve your ad by sending payment by January 31, 2007. Send the text of your ad now if you want it to begin in January, or later of you want it to begin later in the year.

Remember--if you want to, you can change your text ad every three months for a full year!

Any questions? Write to